Krempita s višnjama: Poslastica kojoj niko ne može da odoli

by | jun 7, 2024
Krempita s višnjama

Za ovu poslasticu se vredi potruditi, jer joj nema ravne. Da, u pitanju je fantastična krempita s višnjama, a mi imamo najbolji recept. 

Neki deserti su prosto nezamenljivi, a jedan od njih je stara, dobra krempita koji svi obožavamo. Možete je napraviti i sa ostalim voćem, ne samo sa višnjama.

Kako se pravi najbolja krempita s višnjama

Na internetu se mogu naći različiti recepti za pripremu krempite s višnajma, a nama je pažnju privukao sledeći recept s TikTok-a:

@bakingwithapastrychef BAKING AROUND THE WORLD 🌎 16. Poland – Karpatka 🇵🇱 Ingredients Choux pastry: 60ml whole milk 60ml water 10g sugar 45g unsalted butter Pinch of salt 70g strong flour 2 eggs Filling (pastry cream): 375ml whole milk 100g sugar 20g cornflour 10g flour 1 tsp vanilla extract 3 egg yolks 125g unsalted butter, room temp Method Start with your filling so it can cool: place the milk and vanilla in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. In the meantime, whisk together the yolks, cornflour and flour into a bowl. Once simmering, gradually pour a third of the milk into the yolks while whisking. Then transfer this back into the pan. Continue to whisk over medium heat until thick and bubbling. Be careful it doesn’t burn! Take it off the heat and place into a bowl. Cover the surface with clingfilm and leave to one side until cool. For the choux pastry: preheat your oven to 190C. Grease and line two 6inch cake tins with parchment. Place the milk, water, sugar, salt and butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Once boiling, add in the flour and mix with a wooden spoon until you have a paste. Continue to cook on the stove (while still mixing) or a few minutes, or until the paste no longer sticks to the pan. Remove from the heat and place the choux paste into a bowl. Gradually beat in the eggs until you have a mixture that slowly falls off the spoon. Split the mixture evenly between the two cake tins and spread flat. Bake for 25 minutes, until golden brown and crisp. Set aside to cool. In a bowl, beat the remaining filling butter until fluffy. Gradually add in the cooled pastry cream and combine together. Assembly: line a 6inch cake tin (preferably loose-bottom) with parchment on the base and around the sides. Place one choux pastry disc in the bottom followed by the filling (here you can also layer any fruit compote you like.) Finally, top it off with the second choux pastry disc and press down to make sure its all together. Refridgerate for 1-2 hours to set before demoulding and dusting with icing sugar. . . . . #pastrylove#undiscoveredbaker #foodforfoodies #dessertoftheday #recipeinspiration #desserttime #poland #recipeoftheday #bakersofinstagram #foodiegram #lovebaking ♬ Food – Densky9

Recept za krempitu sa višnjama

500 g lisnatog testa
6 jaja
250 g šećera
2 kesice vanilin šećera
200 g gustina
1.5 l mleka
225 g putera
2 dl slatke pavlake

Članak se nastavlja posle reklama

Za voćni fil:
300 g višanja
100 g šećera
1 dl vode
50 g gustina

Za šlag:
2,5 dl slatke pavlake
100 g šlaga u prahu


Članak se nastavlja posle reklama
  • Odmrznite lisnato testo na sobnoj temperaturi, podelite ga na dva dela i razvijte oklagijom na pobrašnjenoj radnoj površini.
  • Preko okrenutog, velikog, pravougaonog pleha stavite papir za pečenje, pa poređajte testo i izbockajte ga viljuškom. Pecite oko 15 minuta u rerni zagrejanoj na 200 °C.
  • Stavite mleko da se kuva, a li ne celu količinu. Umutite jaja, šećer, 300 ml mleka i vanil šećer. Umućena jaja sipajte u vrelo mleko i kuvajte sve dok se ne zgusne. Sve vreme mešajte žizom ili varjačom.
  • Sklonite šerpu sa šporeta i u vreo fil dodajte polovinu putera. Mešajte sve dok se sastojci ne sjedine. Ostavite da se fil potpuno ohladi.
  • Drugu polovinu putera umutite mikserom pa dodajte u ohlađen fil i mešajte sve dok se ne sjedini. Na kraju dodajte slatku pavlaku i umutite fil mikserom.
  • Operite višnje i uklonite koštice, a zatim ih sipajte u šerpu. Dodajte šećer i zagrevajte na srednjoj temperaturi dok ne proključa. U to dodajte gustin razmućen u malo hladne vode i mešajte sve dok se ne zgusne. Skolonite sa špreta i ostavite da se malo prohladi (ali ne potpuno da se ohladi jer će se u tom slučaju teško razmazati preko fila).
  • Stavite u tepsiju jednu ispečenu koru od lisnatog testa i preko nje sipajte 2/3 filal. Preko fila ravnomerno rasporedite višnje. Preko višanja nanesite preostalu količinu fila.
  • Umutite šlag i slatku pavlaku pa rasporedite preko fila. Preko stavite drugu koru i pospite šećerom u prahu.


Angelika Mostova/

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